Basic numbers to remember 1000 ounces is 1.74 millFor every 20 million in cash from gold accumulated in the bank account from the sale of gold ,, That is equal to 5.27 cents per share 1000 ounces = $1,749,000 10,000 ounces =$ 17, 490, 000 12,0000 oz= $20,988,000 From a press release " approximately 25,000 tonnes of ore with a reconciled average grade of 18.19 g/t gold containing close to 14,700 ounces of gold has been processed at the Camflo " So far 25000 tonnes = 14,700 ounces At today's prices 14,700 x $1749 cad That's 24.86 million brut ( minus expenses of extraction) Let's cross our fingers.