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Vitalhub Corp T.VHI

Alternate Symbol(s):  VHIBF

VitalHub Corp. is a software company. It offers software for health and human service providers designed to simplify the user experience and optimize outcomes. It offers a comprehensive suite of software-as-a-service solutions, which include electronic health record (EHR), case management, care coordination, and optimization; patient flow, operational visibility, and patient journey optimization; and workforce automation and compliance. Its solutions include Alamac, Beautiful Information, Hicom, Intouch with Health, MCAP, Oculys, SHREWD, Synopsis, B Care, CaseWORKS, Pirouette, S12 Solutions, OrderWise and TREAT. Its clients include hospitals, regional health authorities, mental health and addictions services providers for children and adults, long-term care facilities, correctional services, and community and social services providers. It also offers transitions of care technology internationally. It serves clients across Canada, the USA, the UK, Australia, the Middle East, and Europe.

TSX:VHI - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by goldenticketguyon Mar 01, 2019 3:22pm
Post# 29430575

RE:RE:RE:wow gross

RE:RE:RE:wow grossDan was as giddy a CEO as I've seen in recent years. The last CEO I saw this excited talking about  what they have in store was Bruce Linton.
As I mentioned before, the share holdings of those on this board alone is pretty large in relation to the overall outstanding. Little available out there. In short time, we'll be a big Toronto news story.
couple of hundred shareholders right now. The stage has been articulately set, thought the show has yet to begin. Let these few openers take the stage for a bit. Accumulate.
Bullboard Posts