RE:Goodman Should Not Miss This Oopotunity AgainAll sounds well rock, but placing your business hopes on one deal for far too long is not a good financial practice though I too would hope for it to happen.
As well Mugmod, yes having lots of money at hand is very good but not doing much with all of the cash for a long time it is no good. I am sure that among many of the biotech deal made by other companies for the past five Years where good ones.
I have been substantially invested with GUD for over five Years and I know very well in details what has GUD telegraphed to investors about their plans, but it has not happened period. Now they are changing the tune possibly too little too late. I am prepared to predict that unless GUD present an improved business model with more facts to investors, if it will come to a proxy fight they will lose as most other investors feel the same way. The straw poll on this forum is speaking loud and clear. So if GUD and the PR Company are humbling reading this forum pay attention as other large financial institutions are not happy either. Patient has its limits