Buffett on Bitcoin So, I finally got to listen to the annual inteview with Becky Quick, which where Martin Graham should be as oppposed to Investor Ideas. Martin Graham has the merit, IQ, and caliber to be interviewed like this. This is not a reflection of who we are. This is Bull#$@%!! Where is Dinesh? He should be furious. What cash flow advise is he giving? I know this isn't his MO.
Whew! Anyway, I'm glad I finally got the itme to listen to this 2-hour intervie in its entirety. Skip to end near 1:51 to hear Buffett on Bitcoin. He still calls it a delusion. But he doesn't say Blockchain is a delusion. And he mentions Jamie Diamone, one of his fans, coming out with a JP Coin. So, like me, he understands the legitimacy of something over his head in blockchain.
I still don't think bitcoin is a delusion as he says. But I also don't think Tim Draper is grounded in reality either. The truth is somewhere in the middle I think, but closer to Buffett but not a delusion.