Additional information on BG study Thanks Digitel for the NCT (National Clinical Trial) number. The β-glucan ("beta-glucan" or "BG") study NCT number is NCT03857256. In the clinical trials website (shared below), it provides additonal information such as:
- First submitted date: Feb 13, 2019
- First posted date: Feb 27, 2019
- Estimated study start date: Mar 1, 2019
- Estimated primary completion date: Nov 1, 2020
- Recruitment status: Not yet recruiting
- Estimated enrollment: 264
- Principal investigator: Jean-Claude, MD Montreal Health Institute
- Study brief summary: The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of adding beta-glucan (1.5 g, 3 g or 6 g daily) administered three times a day (TID) in divided doses, to atorvastatin (10 mg - 20 mg) once a day or an equivalent dose of another statin on heart disease lipid risk factors.
Finally, I tried to look up older studies on beta-glucan and found this Swedish study (link below) completed in 2009 which found that "[a] daily dose of
4g of oat β-glucans incorpo-rated into a healthy ready meal did not significantly lower T-C and LDL-C compared with an equal ready meal without β-glucans."
Note that reading Ceapro's study objective, the BG pill is administred in three times daily, resulting in much higher intake of BG compared to 4g. Also, the study participants will be consuming these higher BG doses along with atorvastatin (or popular known as "lipitor").
We all have seen the popular research over the past several decades that suggests reduction in cholestoral levels to people with diet with high levels of levels of fiber, including β-glucans. This makes me positive about the study's outcome however seeing the new timelines is already making me further test my patience as I have a significant amount invested in Ceapro. I hope the management team takes on a more proactive role by releasing updates more frequently and sharing details around the CDAs.