Monthly reportFiling date is the 5th of the month but then the CSE has to post the info. Lots of missed dates but lots of rules and regulations changing mid stream and everybody is jumpin' through the same hoops.
I mentioned before that the minute you manufacture a perishable that there are liabilities. When you aim for first strike advantage and the labelling regs change such that you have to pull your product or relabel and then there is the shelf life thing. If it goes stale on the shelf, it finds its way to the garbage can.
I'm gettin' that they are re-tweaking the T27 hard liquor offerings for quicker onset and if they succeed that will be great. You don't want somebody slugging down 3 or 4 and winding up so stoned that it ruins the experience, as in bad experiene. You want repeat customers and you get that with flavour, consistency of experience and price. Repeat customers will pay more for quality, although I think that the impatients will drink whatever you've got if it is a new offering unlike anything they've been able to get.
Lighter versions of the single serve make sense to me so you can sell them a few more and not get them over-stoned and give them a bad experience. I noticed Dixie, one of our competitors that have just gone public have a beverage that looks like a single serve to me that says 100mg on the label for thc. If an inexperienced marijuana user drank the whole thing on Friday they would probably miss work on Monday. Too stoned is no fun just like puke-crawlin' drunk isn't either so the lighter load infused beverages have a place and better value.
As a long time holder I have seen the sp close to $2 per share and can't help but think that our team is reigned in by law, rules and regulations and a shortage of inspectors for all the levels of authority we have to deal with. Our company is still moving forward and we are getting close in California to a bust-out and if history repeats itself as it has done in other States that are legal rec use for adults, we are in for a ride. Be strong, we've waited this long! Oh, and be long, we don't want a bunch of daytraders fockin' this up. I know, I am being a little greedy! glta and dyodd