RE:BILLION dollars sales in next 18 mths: Thoughts of a RED day LMAO I thought we had a bet. Remember when you said this.
The bet I offered is $95. Are you worried it will hit $95???? But not $98.if you are, you shouldn't make this bet. We dont have to private message this whole thing. I prefer to do this out In the open for the board to see. I will have my lawyer draw up the contract naming us as "party A" and "party b" so that the contract can be posted right here in the open for all to see. Your lawyer can check it over so that you are comfortable with it and monies can be held in trust until $95 or higher is reached or time runs out. The odds are with you. It is a good bet for you and a poor bet for me. I need almost a 50% increase from today's share price.
HAHHA I gues styou chickened out, BIG TALK no action > LOL I accepted the bet Moron
MNK3240 wrote: During its recent earnings call, Constellation brands shed some light on Canopy Growth's sales indicating that in the next 18 months, the sales are expected to reach about one billion dollars. One billion dollars is substantial for a company that reported revenues of 93 million recently.
The main reason behind this huge expectation is due to Canopy's access to US market through hemp license in NY.
If that happens, just imagine where the SP will go. Some of us may hold it for two more years and see the shining lights like some says they got it when sp was $2/$4 dollars. There will be a lot of ups and downs in between, not an easy task to hold on .................