Global 7500Global 7500 that set new speed and distance record had three pilots, three pax and their luggage. This is norm payload for this type of distance and mission. What this shows is that 7500 can easily up its range if gulfstream extends its G650ER. 7500 beat G650ER by about 90 NM. With 90 minutes of fuel left 7500 can go maybe 300-400 NM more and still have 30 minutes fuel reserve. I can see gulfstrem modifying 650er to gain couple 100 NM and bomber simply submitting paper work to beat that to extend the range. Don’t forget global 8000 is also waiting to pounce if 7500 can’t beat what ever gulfstream comes up with. Gulfstream modified G650 to make G650ER fly longer don’t know if they can squeeze any more out of it. Gulfstream is busy with G500/600 but those are in production. I am pretty sure they will come out with new airplane which will take at least 5 years to come out. Why all this matter? It’s about bragging not by bombardier but the super elite who like to show off their toys. You can’t get any high end bizz jet than the global 7500 for at least 5 years. And when gulfstream responses it will be upped by 8000.