Credibility is back...Many posters on this board keep asking, why with such good cancer tests Genenews didn't progress in value in the last few years.
For a new companies like Genenews, the learning process can sometime be very difficult, sometime you make mistakes that can take years to correct.
That was the case with Genenews a few years ago when Genenews in order to increase its tests revenue made a very bad mistake when it did enter into a partnership with HDL (Health Diagnostics Laboratory).
I can't tell you the whole story, it would be to complicated, but it can be summed in one word ''SCAM'', HDL was a scam.
Genenews wasn't alone many honest company got cought in this scam.
Although Genenews had nothing to do with the scam, unfortunately when your name is associated with a scam you lose credibility.
-You lose credibility with your clients base..
-You lose credibility with Medicare...
-You lose credibility with big HealthCare systems...
-Most of all you lose credibility with Insurance Company..(that was the biggest lost)
The result is that it took years for Genenews to restructure (including changing for a new Billing Company) this process took time.
You can have the best cancer tests in the world (like GEN) if you have no credibility it will be almost impossible to sell your tests.
How do we know that credibility is back???
On Dec 28, 2018 the Insurance Company gave Genenews a Confidence vote (wasn't the case 4 years ago).
PressRelease Dec 28, 2018 Genenews said (QUOTE) Genenews expands coverage by Commercial Health Insurance networks (END of QUOTE).
It took 4 years, but Genenews finally did regain its credibility...
You can be assured that Insurance Company are just the first step...many more will come on board.
Following this vote of confidence from Insurance Company, the big volume and the sp increase (500%) indicate that Genenews credibility is back.
With its credibility back, there is only one direction for Genenews to go, and it is fast forward.