Why I Purchased 48North SharesEight Capital has put up $25 million and ultimately $28 million. A little more then I've put in!
8Capital have certainly completely analyzed the entire 48North business plan and current situation:
- they know the business plan
- they have seen the new extract-based product plans,
- they know the cost of building a farm say $10 million,
- they expect the farm produce to generate product revenue of over $120 million annually,
- they know how the current 3rd quarter is progressing,
- they know the share dilution numbers and
- they are investing only $25 million for $1.36 per share.
We get to participate for a lot less. Fantastic!
This is not a bad situation; its a great situation for............... long-term shareholders. Have you ever made 3,000% on an investment? It takes patience. We should be more concerned if the company were not capable of getting additional millions!
This is a solid situation and long-term will make a fortune for all of us long-term investors.
In the meantime watch the traders drive themselves crazy with most losing and few winning in the trader's ballpark.
Put me in the investors category. Its' the easy way to win.
I purchased 48North shares to turn $10,000 into $300,000, but I didnt expect to do this in 6 months. I'm 7% of the way to my target today after only 3 months. A ok!
Look for me at the AGM in 2021 I'll be the one wearing my Zingiber ball cap and I'll be smiling.