RE:Thoughts on Buyout Keep in mind that a minimum of 66.7% of shareholder votes are required for any buyout / takeover to succeed. The broader the shareholder base, the harder to reach this minimum requirement and PAT has a very broad shareholder base with a large retail component and no mega shareholder that I am aware of.
For PAT to become a serious takeover target, they have to prove WIDE acceptance and I don’t see this happening short term. Maybe 2 years down the road but by that time, the valuation will be much different and much more acceptable to the majority of shareholders.
The key to fending off unwanted takeovers is a healthy balance sheet as in lots of cash to “work the plan”. PAT is in good shape right now and I believe smart enough to ensure that this doesn’t change even if it requires a couple more financings along the way. Once they reach profitability, valuation metrics will be very different.