So Dissapointing!!Raouf says he is delighted!! he should be delighted that the big fat paycheck keeps rolling in bi-monthly without any performance! Please let someone else drive the lamborghini Raouf. You are doing 25 mph on the Autobahn....... the saga continues..... next quarter, design in's, design wins, blah blah blah....... but nothing ever translates to monetization..... I have never seen anyone buy this much time and run the clock out..... if this was football game we would be getting beat 56-0 and Raouf would still be running the ball on every play. Sooooooo dissapointed... had such high hopes, but we have to wonder what our mangle-ment is doing!!! They said in Q4 2017 that all of 2018 would be for testing BUT revenues should start being realized in Q4 2018 (in the data center sector). Well, we all found out that was not true.... and here we are 2 quarters later....... everything is NDA, can't talk about it.... nebulus....... no accountability..... this mgmt team has lost ALL CREDIBILITY!! all together now " NEXT QUARTER "...
Ugh........ a 3 1/2 year extremely high OPPORTUNITY COST! WITH SUNK CAPITAL IN SPECTRA!!
"“We are also delighted by our strong momentum in the Data Center market and expect multiple Data Center deployments of our Active Copper Cable solutions in the second half of 2019.”