Warrants hip.wt.A , strike price 1 dollar , expiry 2023
no acceleration !!!! Basically has a gearing effect and will leverage your gains for max potential . The originals are expiring Feb 2020 and are under Hip.WT ( no A) .. the have am acceleration clause if in the event they are in the money for 10 consecutive trading days( 2.60 I believe ) , hip reserves the right to call them in . These are super cheap right now , but super risky due to the fact that they expire soon . Warrants are like options and have time decay working against them , so the closer they get to expiry and out of the money , the more quickly they will lose value. They are a final bet and have zero voting options. Good luck ....friendly advice , scoop A 's two trading days ago ;). . If you haven't taken the time to hear the hexo conference call , make sure you jump on that ASAP !!!! THEY SPEAK HIGHLY IN DETAIL ABOUT PLANS ,AND THE NEWSTRIKE DEAL. This company has plans that make them super undervalued . The fact that they have plans for America is massive , and they will earn like we can only dream !!!! Hence why they are prepared on the NYSE . Also, they have a plan for European legalization , and are currently willing to step up their medical efforts out there , thanks to Hip' supply !!! While I agree the deal is not the greatest for longs expecting a get out of jail card , it is without a doubt a superb opportunity to see a handsome ROI if you hold . Hexo will surpass expectations , and is going after aurora and canopy . These beast have market caps that eclipse hexo currently , but not for long . With one cash injection from Molson , and off we are . That's all it will really take !!we all know that there is plenty to come still. ... Edibles , oils, brick and mortar stores , AMERICAN LEGALIZATION!!!!!, this is just the beginning ... As Goldman said below , hold onto those A's , they will undoubtedly be in the money in the next 4 years . We have just seen the tip of the iceberg with respect to this emerging sector .. hexo will not disappoint like Jay.. listen to that conference call