RE:Irwin Simon?No idea what you are trying to say here? Altria?
You're saying their objective is to dismantle the assets for bargain prices? Sorry, but this is possibly the dumbest thing I've ever read on here.
treehugger2 wrote: Did it ever occur to others here that their unwavering silence has a purpose?
Not proof at the moment, but it seems to me that their silence is a tactic to devalue and/or keep down Altria's share price and thus chase away most of, if not all of the standard retail shareholders. Objective: to either sell the company to an American 'buddy' and or piece by piece dismantle all of its very valuable assets at basement prices and again to allow selective opportunists others likely to feast on. First they took forever to tell us that the disputed price of the latest assets was within acceptable levels although at the high end, but more importantly since that 'rebuttal' they have foregone every opportunity to advertize and/or speak favourably of the well established Company itself.
Please forgive my suspicions, but I think had not been for an interested partner (Diageo in this case I believe) that currently might be about Apria's scene, the above may have already occurred. In the event an honest player takes over Aphria's reigns, all members of the current management are history I believe and it will serve then well.... They have ignored the needs of their shareholders..... Not a word from the company, not even after HC much awaited and very valuable licence for expansion and continuous growth.