Buyout or ... I just spoke for the length of time with investor relations today for second time. I don't want to go in detail the discussion and I'm not quoting him below but here is below my observation based the discussion i had with many actors involved as long silent investor with 250K shares.
- Q4 will be out on April 30th due to moving offices from Victoria to Vancouver.
- As Pure Sunfarm is owned by both emh & vff, the half board directors of JV are in board to convert and expand D2.
- So D2 is not an option for sale and VFF have no power or say to expand D2 with out EMH.
- POSSIBILITY buyout...I think the reason EMH managment silence is there is an offer on the table and I can feel the tension or disagreement of EMH & VFF (may be on the premium). I firmly believe the stock worth minimum of 3.7X than the current price and EMH management will never sell less that $15 Candian dollars.
- Keep in mind the value of Pure Sunfarm is not only D3 but the whole green house of D3, D2 & D1 and they are all part of the deal.
- VFF haven't seen profit for last 10 years in their agriculture investment but now thanks to EMH things are changes for them and they want it all by them self and wants to buyout emh with huge premium.
- Personally I want EMH to be part of this adventure with expanding D2 and D1. in that case the stock would be 10-15 fold than current price.
The above is just my observation and opinion and let see what happens in this few weeks.