RE:Fonterra Well as a large Eco share holder for years, it's very financially beneficial for me that the company is promoting it's self. Seriously only a moron would not want it promoted or someone that only held CGX, Eco's ugly step sister.... til this point. Best thing that can happen to CGX is to have Eco hit it big! Worst thing a duster. CGX is tied to the hip of Eco if you like it or not.
I own CGX because of it's address regardless of it being shallow and despite it's management. CGX has to get a JV and I also can't see them not getting one. I also believe at this point they have one lined up, they definitley better have one lined up they need the expertise.
I can't see any of the major's not wanting to take a chance on CGX's blocks regardless of the being shallow. I'm thinking Total or even Africia oil though there not a major. I have heard in the past from management of Eco that Exxon is not intrested in shallow water. But to be fare that was a while ago and things can change.
CGX needs to get it's $TTT together get a JV and then Promote the living STTTT out of it, to get the share price up so when time comes there raising money at the higest level possible.
I would love to see CGX fallow in the foot steps of Eco. Everyone gets rich!!!!