Penny stock action
as much as it would hurt the current shareholders we have to expect the company will start acting like venture stocks if we arent making money. I know we are on the TSX proper but our price sees us at the same or less than TSX-V stocks. What's my point? Well, there are stocks on the venture with a billion shares, heck even TV on the TSX ended up at 800 million. Also, venture stocks routinely reverse split then dilute right back down to where they were (and possibly repeat once or twice). Companies sometimes push forward a decade past their last "actual potential contract". Some here would say that would ruin the company's relationship with us, the shareholders. True, but if the company is failing to get traction, they don't care. We all sell bitter but the next round comes in fresh and the cycle begins anew. I really truly hope data center interconnects save us from this(and hey, even at 800 million shares TV managed to hold an SP over a dollar for awhile), but this company will be able to drum up financing for years to come no problem. We might get left behind though.