This is where the rubber meets the road.The manipulators have left, and I've gathered intel on their operations. To get the info, you have to walk amongst them. In the shadows, within the steaming nether regions of the Vancouver pump exchanges.
I digress.
My good gentlemen and ladies, we are in the midst of scraping to bottom. In fact, it appears to the trained sniper's eye that the bottom is in. We very slowly will move upwards, albeit in a pattern that resembles shark's teeth. But upward nonetheless. The timing, as I expected, is impeccable for my chart work. If you want the simplist, which simply tracks historical, look at the wall street cheat sheet. If you want more evidence, one would best be served reading Murphy on Technical Analysis of the Stock Markets.
Money in hand shortly (I will likely participate in the raise), a robust BofD and a management team that is too busy adding present and future value to be worried about current share price.
Only positive from here on out y'all.
Well done for your patience. As Bix Weir, who reminds me muchly of an old buddy with whom I shared a trench...."you hodlers have earned your stripes".