sclarda wrote: Sadie222 wrote
That’s pretty much what we want to hear. That’s what keeps the dollar signs out of other contractors’ eyes. Fair price for good work, no overpriced extras.
IIRC they weren’t shipping until Q2. Someone here was watching a particular ship which was still in port elsewhere but scheduled for Ridley. I wonder where that is.
I wonder if they’re filling storage yet (train traffic).
sclarda wrote: TradeTracer wrote
Been searching for any updates on RIPET's building/progress and have come up with nothing but prior articles...
My understanding is everything RIPET wise should be complete by end of 1st Q 2019? (5 days away) Just wondering if anyone has some more info?
With all the upcoming events I definitely would not be day trading ALA anymore, it's going to be an exciting spring!
I live in Prince Rupert the site of the project. They have done some local training and were advertising for some trades people earlier. I have not heard how close they are to being finished.
This project has been going on for a couple of years and i believe i have seen an ALA pickup once in town. They have a work camp set up near our old pulp mill site aprox 15 kms from town and seem to keep a very low profile in town. In talking to some local contractors who have done work for them on the project they are very cheap and are always looking for the best prices on work being done. They apparently fired a major contractor doing excavating work as they thought they were over charged and brought in their own semis to bring gravel in from another town.
While it may not be good for some contractors i am sure shareholders will be happy to see that they are running a tight ship when it comes to their construction projects.
Now if only the new CEO and the rest of the management team can learn to act the same way.
Not sure if they are unloading train cars yet. I drove to and from Terrace last weekend which is aprox. 140 km from Prince Rupert. The train tracks are right next to the highway for much of the way and i did not notice any propane cars. Since 1962 we have had a rail barge facilty that ships aprox 1500 train cars of propane diesel and other products up to Alaska every year which is only around 50 km away so we have had some propane cars here for a long time.
We used to have access to Ridley Island . Several years ago they put up a gate and security guard at the entrance to Ridley Island and the public cant access the island anymore. Ridley island was first developed around 1980 .The grain elevator and the coal terminal were both built then. i believe the cost of the two facilities was aprox $600 million in 1980 which would equal a few billion in todays dollars. They are both serious facilities. The Ripet project is right next to the coal terminal and is using their dock for their propane loading. Part of the site they are on was previously the site of a sulfur export faciltiy that was built but not quite finished and sat there unfinished for many years. The coal terminal was built by the federal government in 1980 and is now up for sale. They are also planning a second dock for the coal terminal.
Checking the local paper there is not much news about the project at this time. The ALA website shows they are looking for a couple of tradespeople and a couple of operators for the plant. I will keep an eye out and keep the board informed when i hear some news.