RE:largo-resources-buying-hypeMy response to this Largo hit job article:
"I totally agree with Price Cycles, "In the commodity world, I fear the hype you mention has more to do with this project in Kazakhstan." If disclaimer is to be believed (personally I never believe these), then you are a premature pumper. And since few traders would hype a stock before they buy it, I'm just going to assume you are pumping/hyping your own stock. Not at all surprising since that is exactly what most of these Seeking Alpha articles are. This hyped mining operation in one of the world's most unstable and corrupt countries (check into the failed history of many outsiders' mining projects in this "stan") can't be compared with well established and profitable Largo. You wrote, "While the current market cap and lack of net debt would suggest that Largo is very undervalued, the rise of Ferro-Alloy Resources Group could put the company into a market in which it is struggling to turn a profit once again." Sure, you bet, mere wishful thinking on your part me thinks. Even the title proves this is produced as a hit job on Largo, "Largo Resources: I'm Not Buying The Hype"--can't even put the name of your hyped miner wannabe in the title. I believe a title that would benefit readers more would be, "Ferro-Alloy Resources Group: I'm Not Buying the Hype". But everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion."