Speaking of Criminal....Anyone thats watched this stock trade in the last year knows exactly whats going on.
The stock is being manipulated heavily via trading and with attempted lies and falsehoods on this forum. You know....everyday the stock showing a huge wall on the sell side, any rally however small being sold into and then the daily after 3 pm dump to limit or totally eliminate any gains on the day. Literally keeping it at levels of when oil was trading in the 30s. Its a joke.
We all know the handles of those responsible.
Here is the link to the OSC
https://www.osc.gov.on.ca/en/contactus_index.htm Voice your concerns. They claim to be taking manipulative short selling seriously so let them know. Nothing may come of it - but definately nothing will come of it if people don't push back on it. These c*cksuckers are stealing from investors - not taking legitimate positions.