RE:BITCOIN ON THE RISEWow, that's great! That will actually bode well for investors that want to use Fineqia. IFF we ever get off our laurels and produce. I don't know if we are going bankrupt or going to the moon. But wherever we go, Bundeep's fate is tied to mine. And that is justice. If I die, he dies. And it should never be any other way. Captain needs to go down with the ship. The last man off. Not the way the real world works, but it's the way it's going to work here. And I don't like this trip. I'm tired of this chapter. If this is Mission Impossible 2 where Tom Cruise falls off the mountain and dies in the first 5 minutes, then quit dragging it out. Shoot us already. Or, DO SOMETHING! Move to the next chapter already!