Nailbiter1 wrote: Agree with you both.
LL, You and I rode here on the same horse in 2016.
We came here with some friends from NMX and had very little knowledge of what this company was offering.
We were betting on a solid story and a very small float of outstanding shares, We rode every financing storm with this company.
Gem Alumina pillaged us for sure and for such a long time.
What as worst was the failed Milost deal. That was months and months of anguish and torture. In the end, it all fell apart right in front of us. The battles on SH, the complete lack of response from Milost Global. NRs of lawsuits and the resignation of their CEO.
That was hard on the Canadian.
The group of retail investors back then were far hardier than the impatient group found on today's stockhouse.
Remember the big debenture debacle? Relying on piddly retailers to fulfill. Never happened. Squabble squabble squabble as only we know how it's done.
Bring on the PPs. Bring them in fold. Tripp can PP 'till the cows come home.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Snap the fingers and get it done now. I hope there is plenty more to come.
The messy float will get mopped up by Q3 without a hitch. WE NEED CASH NOW and we're getting it now.
If you feel you are big enough and ballsy enough to join in on these plays and you are motivated by little warrant freebies, give Tripp a call and demand to get in.
First tranche was completed without us knowing and the big boys wanted more.
Tripp gave them more.
Second tranche... Done without breaking a sweat.
Strike while the iron is hot Jimmy T.
He has the confidence of some big players who will move us to our prime destination... The NAZ.
We never had this much investor confidence.
There is a difference between business dealings on Bay Street and business dealings on Wall Street.
American financing brings you along for the ride. Everybody gets rich. Canadian financing manipulates and uses you like a dirty f@ck rag and tosses you in the dumpster when they are done.
We need to be seen by American eyes as soon as possible.
STRIKE with all your might Jimmy T.
LithLover wrote: Great post. For those of us that have been here for awhile we have seen first hand what funding via dilution and manipulated trading has cost us. Look at the Gem deal and look at the trading we had back then. It kept prices down for months. I’ll take a pp from an investment club over toxic financing anyday $1.5 million in cash with Q1/Q2 milestones still to come. You bet!!
Northerencents wrote: Paulsons I’m going to share a personal experience with that is not good for serious investors...although obviously dilution takes away from current commons atm it also funds progress with no looming debt and interest
im sure most have heard of Concordia healthcare this is a company who decried to take the let’s borrow money and not dilute forward they find themselves struggling to make interest payments which eventually leads to bankruptcy or restructuring
Concordia took the restructuring route best option lol, guess what happens dilution up the kazooo and the company gets handed over to debt holders , and the commons get left with a nano fraction
of course there is all kinds of crooked aspects to that story, but I don’t know about you I’ll take some honest publicly disclosed private placements all day everyday sure beats the alternative