My previous bullish PLX call & my new bullish call on TVLIt was me who has posted many factual comments explaining why PLX was grossly undervalued at C$0.17 a few weeks ago. PLX is at C$0.23 now and rising.
See also Traverse Energy (TVL) before it's too late.
TVL is irrationally undervalued at C$0.06 per share because TVL owns 100,000 net acres in Duvernay. TVL current enterprise value at C$0.06 per share is just C$11 million including its small debt but its Duvernay acreage alone at just
C$500 per acre is valued C$50 million. TVL's insiders have a lot of skin in the game and have been buying during the last months, so they own about 30%, so they are fully aligned with shareholders.
TVL has said that it's working on options to develop and monetize its Duvernay acreage, so farm-outs or an outright sale are very likely.
InPlay (IPO) that also owns Duvernay acreage close to TVL announced in its latest press release that its Duvernay acreage is valued at
C$1,619 per acre by the indepent firm Seaton-Jordan Partners:
"Strategic Crown land holdings in the East Duvernay light oil shale play increased by 12 sections for consideration of $1.4 million in the year. The Company now has a significant land position in one of the most exciting new Canadian light oil plays with 30,640 net acres (48.25 net sections). An independent report was prepared for InPlay on this land by qualified land evaluators, Seaton-Jordan & Associates, which resulted in a value of $49.6 million at year-end."
"Based on Sproule’s forecast prices and costs as of December 31, 2018.
Duvernay land holdings evaluated by independent third party firm Seaton-Jordan Partners effective December 31, 2018 attributed a value of $49.6 mm ($1,619/acre) for 30,720 net acres. "