RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:News cominggoldbug83 wrote: If assays come back from the lab and there's anomalies in the results from the samples that FAT took before sending to the lab then the anomnalies get retested at the lab before there is a news release otherwise the company would be report false grades. Also none of these drill results will be "newsworthy" or "material change" because everyone knows spodumene lithium concentrations should be in the 1-2% range. It's expected. The big news was they found new dykes, 13 total dykes so far! This drill campagin was done to setup the next one which will be a big, I'm hoping for 10,000 - 15,000m for the summer. One drill hole at a newly discovered dyke that hits spodumene is great but they need dozens of holes to define the size and tonnage and create a 3D model of the dyke. That was the point of Phase 5, to show how vast and spread out lithium-bearing spodumene occurs on FAT's property. Next Phase brings tonnage.
Are we going to go through this again??? Are we stuck in a loop here? Why must some constantly make excuses for the Company? Lately, too much time releasing results has meant less than stellar numbers... does it apply here again? Simple visual inspection of the drill cores would let them know if they've got something (remember the pictures of rows of core a couple of years ago), and they could request the lab to expedite! I hope I am wrong, but I really don't think this drill campaign is going to help the S/P. Maybe the next drilling... hopefully.
As far as 10k - 15k metres of drilling in the summer... when was the last time any drilling was done during the summer months here? Surface sampling is all they do.