WRX activitiesIt is very odd that when you go on the website you can see that they are actually (or at least pretending) to hire employees for real jobs that pertain to a mine or at least the beginnings of the operational team. If that is real, then there should be no problem right? There may actually be some potash coming out of the ground.
Could it be that we were just so dishartened and beaten down by the years of horrid pricing and this now terrible rights offering that we all just folded up our cards and let the Chinese owner (really, that is what they are) amass now about 75-80% or . more of the shares by either selling them our rights for pennies (or a penny to be precise) so that they can spend 11Million dollars that is really just balance sheet money movement...and we sit back and just take it.
What a joke.
I still have my shares.
To hell with the rights and buying more shares in this overmanipulated pile of turd.
I am tired of being on the tip of the dog's tail when it comes to this.
I will sell this in a heartbeat when I can stomach the loss. For now...screw it.