LifeX influence...As a complement to my last post...J.Tripp said ''I will draw comparaison to a very successful competitor in the MarketPlace. They do very large number of tests at this particular point, they have very large number, in fact an absolutely huge number of people that they say prescribers. When you average their number out, you see that each prescriber (small practice) give them about one and a quarter tests per quarter. That is not really were you want to go. I think they have over 400 reps. They spend a huge amount of money, they make decent money, but they're a long way from breakeven, long way from profitability''
Check this link once more and you will realise that J.Tripp is talking about Exact Science Colorectal Poop Test(Cologuard). What J.Tripp is trying to say is that GEN will get to profitability using a much faster path, and at a much lower cost than Exact Science.
Look like that since GEN new partner LifeX came on board, GEN has changed its strategy, and seem to be making all the right moves.
To know more about LifeX mission read some of Nailbiter1 very good posts on LifeX.
Do your own DD, do not rely on my posts or the posts of a guy that pretend to be a Know-It-All speculator.
You my want to read the Earnings Transcript, print it on paper and read it a few time, that way it's much easier to comprehend the full meaning of that transcript, and you will realise what is really coming in the next few months. Knowledge is power.
Have a nice day.