RE:Why 0 intangibles?The reason it is 0 is because they had impairment charges that took the previous years intangible amount to zero. $218,000 was related to the impairment charge of Juvente.
"Goodwill of $218,606 arose from the acquisition of JuventeDC Inc. and has been allocated to that cash generating unit (see note 5).
The Company performed its annual impairment test as at December 31, 2018. The recoverable amount of the CGU was estimated using value in use calculations. These calculations used pretax cash flows covering a five-year period based on estimated growth rates for revenue and financial budgets and financial forecasts approved by management. The present value of the expected cash flows was determined using a risk adjusted discount rate of 22.5%. The revenue growth rates and discount rate are the key assumptions in the calculation of value in use.
Management’s key assumptions to cash flow forecasting include average annual increases in revenue of 159% from anticipated marketing campaigns and high gross margins based on the 17 industry segment that the segment operates in, however the CGU is in the start-up phase and there are a number of market conditions that impact the pace of development.
The carrying amount of the CGU exceeded the recoverable amount resulting in an impairment charge to goodwill in the amount of $218,606 and to intangible assets in the amount of $430,533 (see note 9). Given that there are no longer any carrying amounts for intangible assets or goodwill, no further impairment will be taken."