RE:RE:quiet today.....The invert of the FIRE picture md and could be the story for many others if they don't get the legal rec roll out completed, product pricing has to come down and law enforcement has to start going after the criminals in our society instead of supporting them by not putting them out of business....much the same as so called 'Gun Control' penalizes the law abiding citizen and allows the criminal to grow and prosper, plus the illusion of 'global warming' all for votes and the promotion of their Socialist agenda.
FIRE's balance sheet is the opposite of WEED's and will be able to weather all the storms, including the warrents, as long as the sales/ revenue start to meet and hopefully exceeed targets/ estimates...but only if the government starts to support the law abiding and Democracy, JMHO....Opt
maritimedreamer wrote: say it ain't so???? Canopy to miss revenue targets by alot? may be because they sell S H I T weed!