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Mission Ready Solutions Inc V.MRS.H

Alternate Symbol(s):  MSNVF

Mission Ready Solutions Inc. specializes in providing government contracting solutions through its wholly owned subsidiary, Unifire, Inc. (Unifire) Unifire is a small business and an industry manufacturer and distributor fire, military, emergency, and law enforcement products. It has two business segments in the global defense, security, and first-responder markets: consulting and manufacturer representation. It also provides relationship management, product development, acquisition and contracting and sales and marketing support to manufacturers selling to the United States Federal Government. The Protect the Force Innovations (PTFI) division develops, enhances, tests, and pioneers new and advanced technologies relating to defense and personal protection. Its portfolio of defense and security-related products includes Flex9Armor and Tactical Shield Cover. It serves law enforcement, the military, government and other agencies through its various products and services.

TSXV:MRS.H - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by blueangelbirdon Apr 15, 2019 12:07pm
Post# 29628220

RE:Donut can't seem to help himself

RE:Donut can't seem to help himselfI'm awaiting is short's placement since an hour ago ! 
Bullboard Posts