RE:MINI Canopy GrowthI've been out of the country for a few years and have missed regular participation in Bullboards. Anyway, here's my first post in a long time.
Canopy Growth made a brilliant move in setting up Rivers as a separate entity from Growth. Rivers is a unique company. To my knowledge the only one of it's kind. It is an Investment Bank that focuses specifically on the cannabis sector. It has access to the billions that Consolidated Brands invested in Growth and between Rivers and Growth, they see every deal that is worth seeing. In effect they can 'cherry pick' the best ones and pass on the rest. The deal this week with High is a classic example and their pipeline is full of similar situations that are being worked on as we speak and will become public in due course. GMP Securities just released a report today that called for a share price of $10. I am comfident that figure will be reached within six months and will be far exceeded in 2020. This is one to tuck away in your TFSA or, if you have children or grandchildren, in their RESP to finance their university education.