RE:Lovely ExploitWell said. This company does not appear to care whatsoever about it’s shareholders best interests. Glad a scaled back drastically and re-deployed into HARV. Still holding a small position on the one in a million chance they pull off an equity buy in. Good luck everyone.
treehugger2 wrote: this has been, Mr Irwin (Chairman Irwin)! Hope someone from your office reads this forum. To make sure this reaches you, I will send it to you directly via email. You don't mind I hope.
Of course, lots of excuses and positives given by others regarding yesterdays and today's events, nevertheless, the share price argues differently. For certain, it was feasible for Aphria's terrain to shine brilliantly yesterday, however, you have delivered the exact opposite to APHA's retail shareholders. Instead of enhancing the share price of their Aphria shares, for two days in a row (yesterday and today) you have aimed at and you have targeted Aphria's retail shareholders. I don't presume to speak for others, nonetheless, you have chosen to ignore the fact that the vast majority of these cheated retail shareholders were and are the very spine of this company's origins. Not to omit the fact of course, that there is nothing wrong with this company per se that would justify the injurious landscape of the last two days. I don't know if you know or even care, but you have subjected the retail shareholders to witness the obliteration of their Aphria investment they have entrusted to you and your predecessor. Why would that be, and especially considering that this Company (Aphria) is very promising and particularly prosperous? In my world, an action of this nature is considered dirty betrayal.
You have mocked Aphria's shareholders I believe. No coherent explanation given, let alone articulately explained regarding the developments of the last two days. Whatever you gave it was too late. The revelations of the past two days were equivalent to a heavy bulldoze going over defenceless life forms full blast without giving them a chance to move out of the way. In fact, they were encouraged to stay put.
Hurray, lucky retail shareholders; just when we had thought the parasitic short report's era was over, there you showed up with your LATAM inclusion in the 3rd quarter financials, and worse yet to come (without a clue afforded in advance), the report was closely followed by the $300m deal announcement. These two items couldn't have waited to be unveiled until the share price had solidified somewhat, right?
I don't know what was more indifferent and/or more injurious to Aphria's retail crowds.... Was it yesterday's - today's events or the parasitic short report itself? One thing I know for sure and obviously all in accordance with the transpired negative events before the shaereholders (myself included) and with my perception of these events, the two actions parallel closely. If you disagree with my assessment here, just look at the share price and you might begin to understand my point -- Yikes.