RE:RE:239 millions dept to SALP includes interest until 2024!Eric, I wondered how the SALP debt became so high. The unearned interest on the approx $120 M CAD at 10% nearly doubles the amount of the loan for which SALP is TAKING (READ STEALING) an additional 7-9 BILLION shares of PLI that was totally unearned and only imagined for the next 5 years of a loan that would end in 2019 as soon as the restructure happens and the loan is converted to equity - thus the interest is simply never earned, just stolen through greasy lawyering contrary to their fiduciary duty with representatives on the board.
I wrote the following email to
Sorry, but yet another piece of information in this sad story was made known to me. I had wondered how the SALP debt was shown as $229 MILLION, all I recalled was about $120 Million due in 2019 – how did that magically grow from about $120 Million to $229 MILLION? You will note that they just recently extended the loan to 2024 which at the time was taken as a relief and that the balance sheet issue was solved until the revenue would start to flow. Now with hindsight it is obvious that this was really a further treacherous move on the part of SALP to claim ALLTHE UNEARNED INTEREST AT THE TIME OF THE RESTRUCTURE THAT THEY CLAIM IMPROPERLY ABOUT DOUBLES THE OUTSTANDING LOAN. SO THEY ARE TAKING ANOTHER APPROX $110 MILLION WHICH MEAN ANOTHER STOLEN 7.23 BILLION SHARES FORIMAGINARY INTEREST NEVER EARNED WHATSOEVER.