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Sandstorm Gold Ltd T.SSL

Alternate Symbol(s):  SAND

Sandstorm Gold Ltd. is a Canada-based precious metals-focused streaming and royalty company. The Company is focused on acquiring royalties and gold and other metals. The Company holds a portfolio of over 230 royalties, of which 41 of the underlying mines are producing. Its segments include Antamina, Aurizona, Blyvoor, Bonikro, Caserones, Cerro Moro, Chapada, Fruta del Norte, Hounde, Mercedes, Vale Royalties, and others. Antamina open-pit copper mine located in the Andes Mountain range of Peru, approximately 270 kilometers (km) north of Lima. Aurizona mine is in Brazil. The Blyvoor gold mine is located on the Witwatersrand gold belt, South Africa. The Bonikro gold mine is located in Cote d’Ivoire. Caserones open pit mine is in the Atacama region of Chile. Chapada mine is located 270 km northwest of Brasilia in Goias State, Brazil. Mercedes gold-silver mine in Sonora, Mexico. Black Fox mine and Froome mine are located in Ontario, Canada.

TSX:SSL - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by Kewl002on Apr 19, 2019 10:53am
Post# 29648805

Well worth the time to watch..........

Well worth the time to watch..........

George Milling-Stanley, head of gold strategy at State Street Global Advisors

Bullboard Posts