GREY:ATTBF - Post by User
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geodcanon Apr 23, 2019 3:23pm
Post# 29661016
The thing about value in the stock market
The thing about value in the stock marketand the publicly listed companies is that value doesn't just materialize unless it comes from some less fortunate shareholder, but it does dissappear to the likes of this management and their friends. Securities watchdogs are relatively toothless and probably overworked and underpaid. Possibly even taking kickbacks to look the other way while this kind of shyt happens. I'm hoping for some vigilante to go after them, one on one and make them do what is necessary to get this trading again. The new old name, the cancelled conference call, new announcement of an offshore acquisition to show that something is happening but strikes me as the final cleaning out of the house funds. I'm hoping somebody thinks that this needs a lead solution as in maim one and scare the rest and include in that some of the secutity watchdogs. Shades of the VSE. I thought the CSE was better than that. I'm surprised there haven't been any class action suites yet, probably because the lawyers sense that the money has dissappeared. I've got 20 grand in this and in my neck of the woods I could have people banging on my door for a 25% redemption fee.