RE:RE:Such Low Volume Todayscruffman wrote: Nope, not yet. Some news, any news, would be nice. Syock has been drifting. They have been unusually quiet lately.
APieceOfThePie wrote: We need some news. Have they announced completion of the phase that was supposed to be done in April?
Personally I don't think that Greg or those in IR care one iota about the share price on a day to day basis at all. I don't say that out of disrespect, but with low frequency of news releases that the company puts out, it doesn't seem high on their priority list. Greg seems to want to keep his cards very close to his chest and will when we are least expecting it, drop something on us. This method of course can be frustrating for any of us who would welcome a more consistent flow of updates or progress. One would have to assume there are many irons in the fire at OGI, and that things are happening on many fronts. I am going to go out on a limb and be the eternal optimist by saying that I think when the good news things we have all been waiting for and anticipating,starts to flow, it is going to happen in rapid succession, and it will have been well worth the wait...I have a feeling we are getting very very close to blockbuster news...glta