Trial Mining on Exploration Licences. Finally what should have been done several years ago -not the TX pumpers dribble -and you know why TX - because that is the ONLY way to progress Karratha -you ferrking IDIOT I am RIGHT and you are always WRONG And wonders will never cease -they got around the big oak table and decided they had actually better do some serious exploration. Call me an idiot -you take the IDIOT's first prize -noone could come come close to you retard.
- Potential trial bulk sampling options on existing Exploration Licenses at Comet Well and Purdy’s Reward are under assessment as an alternative path, prior to the decision to commence Mining License conversion.
- Plans have been formulated for a regional helicopter-supported reconnaissance program exploring for additional conglomerate-hosted gold along +300-line kilometers of interpreted stratigraphic unconformities within newly-granted Novo-controlled tenements. The objective of the program is to speedily identify, prioritize and test additional prospective targets for conglomerate-hosted gold so that the Company can effectively reconcile its land holdings.