RE:Nothing will happen until Oct I can not agree with your thoughts LookingLong.
Ok, LookingLong lets suppose you own a company like ACB. You know edibles are going to be legal in October.what would you do as the owner?
1. You would sit and twiddle your thumbs, wait for legalization?
2. You would wait for legalization and then scramble like a rabbit to try and catch up to others that have already established thier well placed aquisitions and plans?
3. You would work full force to ensure your company is prepared to the fullest to ensure locked up revenue as well to show that you are # 1?
Let's just say one would expect ACB to be making plans for October well ahead of that date. So I would say deals well before that date to allow integration with the deals in order to expedite rollout of products. If they say Peltz is as smart as he is then this is what will happen. If ACB where to wait they would lose market we all know that.
Best of luck everyone!