Think Equity Conference talk - positive? same story?
Slide deck:
Anyone listened in the talk? It was a short one ( < 30 minutes). From the slides, nothing jumped out for me as it's the same narrative: great products in pipeline and close to finish line but no cigar...yet. One interesting point was regarding wanting to license the application BUT not the technology.
I was actually curious about the Q&A and there was a question about raising capital (others could correct me if I misheard it). Gilles mentioned that they might explore it IF a large scale application of PGX was required (IF a partnership with a large company was made).
On question around uplisting to NASDAQ, he mentioned that historically, reverse split has shown to not work (I agree) and most of our shareholders were retail investors. He did mention immediately that a correct way would be an increase in share price (to the NASDAQ requirement of at least $1) due to a SIGNIFICANT event. I really hope something's in the pipeline and we hear something important/significant before AGM.
Looking forward to hear other thoughts.