RE:Actually...more like another orchestrated sector shakedown!itsnevertoolate wrote: When we see the whole sector red for no obvious reason, it becomes obvious that it is another orchestrated shakedown by big money to scare people into selling shares. It's more than suspicious that EVERY stock in the sector is down when there has been no material changes at all. In fact, the mj sector has been getting a fair amount of positive press the last couple of weeks and big money wants to capitalize on that..problem is..they want to scoop up shares , but they don't want to pay anything for them...they just flex their financial muscles, manipulate the share prices and drive them downhowever they can. When they have shook as many apples off the tree as they can, they'll flex their financial muscles again, and drive the prices back up. Don't think for one minute the big institutions don't collude on these things..when everyone gets kicked in the a*as at the same time..that is not a coincidence...Just be patient ...Prices rebound..they always do...don't knuckle under and sell off your shares....there is a lot of good things coming our way and the manipulators know it....glta
Just reposting this for anyone who may have missed it yesterday....notice any difference in the shareprice today vs yesterday? And were there any material changes or either good or bad news...the obvious answer is no....the ONLY difference between yesterday and today is the big smiles on all the institutional players faces at today's share price after they were able to shake weak hands out of a few million yesterday on the cheap...manipulation exits folks make no mistake about it...most longs have put up with this cr*ap since way back in the 2-3 dollar range so it's really nothing new. We have been steadily moving up in price and will be moving considerably higher yet, but we have to expect to see this type of manipulation all the way up. The best thing to do is to resign yourself that manipulation of prices exists. The only thing you really need to have is an exit strategy for when you feel that you have reached your desired goal, but expect to see more of the same until we get there...getting spooked and nervous and feeling the need to sell plays right into their hands...OGI has a very rosy future and patient investors are going to be very very happy:)..glta