RE:The Washington Post ya so they are lobbying the US government GOOD for them. That is awesome congrats to PAT for doing their job correctly. What is wrong with lobbying? That is how things get accomplished in the US government.
You finding this piece of paper makes me extremely proud of PAT. This is positive and in the right direction. Actually this info is the best thing I have heard all week,. Im actually thinking WOW PAT is really working hard getting the ball rolling.
Remember who is an advisor to PAT. Mr Tom Ridge, And what was Tom Ridges role as first secretary of Homeland security. To advice the President on the safety of the ENTIRE NATION !!!!!!!
This guy is on OUR TEAM !!!!!!!! And what is the most important part of having schools besides education, SAFETY !!!!!!
What an amazing find you have found. Kudos to for that. PAT is crossing all the T and dotting all the Is .
Actually here is a better link for you Beast. READ IT AND WEEP LMAO !!!! this guys is doing all the right moves in congress. Amazing PAT has him on board .
Read the Q1 report for April 2018 ill quote it for you. Type of issue Home land security. And again we have the first Homeland secretary on our TEAM !!!!!
read the Q4 2018 and the Q1 2019 report i!!! it is for budget appropriations. 4 Times they have lobbied for budget appropriations once theY lobbied for homeland security and once for Law Enforcement/Crime/Criminal Justice.
Good find now we can see that PAT has lobbied four times for funding and Homeland security. SAAAAWEEEET !!!!!!!
Thanks for finding this. This is the most positive info we have had in 30 days Kudos for finding this gem.