beastcoastOG wrote: BlameOG
You’re a really special guy.
First - Ridge Global and PU are insulated within paid up companies. They provide services to PATRIOT, stop paying them, they stop lobbying, period.
Secondly, Lincoln Labs MIT where the Hexwave technology is from one of the top 5 world center’s of technical excellence in defense tech.
It is also the United States Department of Defense Research Center. They are the U.S Governments go to people for Radar.
McMaster on the other hand isn’t rated in the top 500 when it comes to this field, But hey , John Candy went to McMaster !!/page/0/length/100/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/stats
Liberty maybe a year or two away, it maybe less, perhaps more, but that isn’t something that anyone can state as fact.
What is fact howeverthe senior SCAN management leadership team have specific technology experience and they have lived and breathed innovation. They have delivered, and have a very rich reputation doing so.
What's also fact is that PATRIOT management leadership team don't have experience in this field. Prime example, there rushed FCC certificate to create an early fever pitch of news. They are now trying to fix the problem with lobby because technically under the federal certification it has, nobody else can help it.
Did the dime not drop when almost all of the Original PATSCAN CMR team began their exodus last fall ? Type up Patriot One on linked In and look at the many people that have left ? Also includes the guy who did the FCC and don’t forget Dinesh who left a few weeks after the FCC announcement ?
Did the second dime not drop when Macadamian showcased as an AI company for PATRIOT, turned out to be a Healthcare consultancy company ? Two massive failure's of disclosure there.
Here’s the BIG ISSUE
Higher exchange, higher scrutiny When the analysts are looking deep into the fundamentals and they unpick the very obvious discrepancies in the PATSCAN FCC, and compare them side by side to historic press releases the musics gonna stop.
Lets see what happens in the next few weeks BlameOG, Q2 is half through. People are gonna wake up.