Aurora is the 2nd floor on the Upper pent house condo
Aurora is the ugly sister of the two, she dun get asked to prom she fell out of the scene. Aurora is the $60 blowj0b hook3r vs the $450 premium DD blonde on backpage. Aurora is the no name bag of chips vs the Premium Lays Chips. Aurora is the fake it till you make it buy my bullsh!t $3000 ecourse change your life life coach or investing YouTube channel guru who only got rich off of MJ stocks but never made a penny investing in real stocks ever in their entire life vs Tony Robbins and Rick Guerettez. Aurora is the honda civic 98 vs Ferrari & Mclaren. Aurora is the economy class seat on a plane vs Gulfstream Jet and the Global 7500. But I still love aurora and canopy cuz they are my kids for life.