RE:Could EASILY See Sub-30 This WeekIm not saying it can not happen Im saying it will not happen. Under 30 is just crazy talk where do you even come from. The world consumes 100 million barrels of oil a day every day.
And the world increases its use of oil around 1.2 million barrels per day every year. If you look at that chart you will see how much more oil is consumed every year for the last decade.. yes the US has done alot with shale but shale wells deplete at a rate much faster than conventioanl wells.
meaning US drillers have to keep drilling more wells every day to keep up with the decline rates. Eventually it will catch up to them. The amount spent on oil exploration from 2008 to 2016 was some of the lowest spent on oil capex in 50 year.
This will also result in a shortage of new projects eventually. Oil consumption is not droppiing any time soon. Even with a slowing economy. The US consumes 20.2 million barrels a day of oil and produces 12 million barrels a day.
meaning the USA still must import 8 million barrels a day in oil to keep the economy moving. Where is this oil coming from. The majority of oil imports comes from Canada at a tune of about 4 million barrels a day. Which accounts for about 40% of all US oil imports.
The world needs and uses lots of oil every day, and this is not going to change anytime soon. Trump is just messing with the markets and this is why oil keeps dropping. China India need alot of oil just to survive.
When the refineries come back from their yearly maintenance and they ramp up for the busy summer time gas consumption expect the price of crude to jump up a bit.
i see oil heading higher in the months to come. VET should follow suit
freedomfiddy wrote: 3 and 1/2 % drop Tuesday. Another 3 % from there puts VET under 30. Anyone who thinks it can't drop another 3 percent over the next three days, needs their noggin looked at.