What we are seeing The market has been nervous anytime we get near a major cannabis company's reporting date and it's no exception with ACB. It's been that way for a couple of weeks now as investors don't want to be caught with their pants down should the quarterly miss by a large margin. Its not that anybody questions whether Aurora will be one of the dominant producers and sellers once the supply chain issues are resolved. It's more that for the moment with no LP as of yet reporting knock the socks off type quarterlies to say the least, the market isn't expecting much next week from ACB. Add to that the lack of even half credible rumors about a partnership and let's not forget Trump flexing his ego and you get for a pretty lacklustre preamble for what will likely be a so-so financial statement. The Wall Street Journal is predicting a concensus of $79.7M in revenue. For longs that have had to edure the the taunts from the boiler room crowd it will only make victory that much sweeter once ACB starts demonstrating to the market what it is capable of in real terms.