LABSAs stated before the better that LABS and VGW run, the better OILS potential.
It opens the door for OILS to get it right and escalate quickly.
OILS can jump dollars in a day with a license followed by contracts.
Remember this is all based on long term potential. I can't imsgine the feeding frenzy when the FEDS rubber Stamp this catagorey later this year.
Just about bought LABS at $5.75 LABS yesterday. Snooze you lose.
It's the reaction I'm watching.
Yes a $60 mil dollar is substantial over two years .
But the buying in general is so responsive and it appears there are many U.S. buyers.
IT reminds me of T.WEED in the beginning.. Who would have ever thought T.WEED would be $60.00 ++
Place your bets. Get a small core position or you will regret it like so many at LABS.