The Truth RepeatedAgain, graphitegrump93 is the only poster here. Going on 3000 negative posts. I repeat: after the ASC investigation began, two years ago, SJL does not go through IRROC for approval of each news release. Each release is checked AND verified AND APPROVED by the TSX-V. The Exchange insisted on this. I was President back then. Now that I am threatened by two people who deny every news release ever made by SJL, I should inform you that because of the ASC process, the TSX Venture Exchange scrutinises every SJL news release in great detail before they approve each release. Therefore, for example, the release about the salt water batteries (BIG!!), would have been approved by them in great detail. The reader should understand that. Therefore, please question the motivation of Greatfuldead, ThinkPlease and graphiteguy93, as just plain B.S. They have tried to discredit me and the Company. You need to ask WHY?? A vendetta is exactly that. Plain B.S Bill