link might help with the cbd Hemplify issue
It sort of takes the horse to the water (not the High Horse) but cbd is still in no mans land as far as being able to drink it. Hemplify is apparently still available but in a gray area. Manufacturers in California can't make any health claims and I am sure this is part of the bottleneck with advertising and promotion. Our THC offerings are in a safer place under State law in California than CBD products.
I still think that our Hempliy is a quality product, hindered by legislation issues, and has big money potential for use as an energy, pain killer, calmness, sleep aid product. Quite possibly more than THC!
Canopy made some strategic moves into NY under the careful scrutiny of Bruce Linton Lawyer who is moving very carefully in US waters so as not to taint the TSE listing or run afoul of the FEDs in the States. They have picked up CBD operations, greenhouses, acreages and distillation and manufacturing. Is it for a quick segway to convert them to THC operations when the Feds catch up to the States or do they sense that the CBD is going to be big and profitable. Maybe both! Then there is also the Acreage deal for 3 plus billion dollars of value to secure one of the largest interstate growers and suppliers in the US by a Canadian company that is intent on being the world leader for Cannabis, marijuana, hemp or whatever you want to call it. The Acreage deal was a genius move on the part of Canopy imo.
It will be nice to see some consumer feedback for our line of THC products, new and improved, quicker onset and offset times. When that happens we will know that we are available for sale and the system is working.
Somebody mentioned short sales and a squeeze. Big money plays this both ways while small shareholders know they are holding a double edged sword. I'm hoping for a Tilray type short squeeze where the big guys had to pony up for big bucks to cover. Went from $150 to over $300 because shareholders wouldn't give up their shares cheap. glta and dyodd