Prespective Good morning! I think we all need to step back and look at the situation on oil and how SGY has performed and take a deep breath. Lots of anger going back and forth on this board lately, especially when it comes to politics. A few points below: 1. The Div is not going to be cut unless WTI falls below $55 for a prolonged period of time. In saying that I dont believe we have a raise coming either, unless WTI is over $70 for a prolonged period of time. Its a matter right now if enjoying the 7+% while you wait for the dust to settle. 2. Differentials are expanding a bit, this is a good thing, it means some of the glut in Alberta will be attractive for Crude by rail. Untill piplines are approved/built, we need crude by rail. 3. New provincial government is very supportive towards oil, and the new Federial government as of October will be pushing hard for piplines, Sheer laid out his platform and want piplines in all directions. This is assuming he wins, which I believe is a forgone conclusion. 4. Even with Oil getting hit hard this week on China vs US drama, SGY still gets $66.63/barrel Canadian. Which means SGY is cash flow positive. 5. Sgy is working hard to pay off debt right now which will set us up nicely no matter which way the market goes. With the current curtailment on Alberta SGY expansion is limited so we pay off debt and prepare for the future. Sounds like a good idea to me! All that to say, sit and wait, collet the div until some of the major events are figured out in the world today, Iran vs US, China vs US, OPEC end of June meeting, and possible pipline announcement come June. Have a great day! Kid