Catalyst????There is an ongoing consolidation in the market and strategies being developed. Are you going to be a mass producer, wholesaler or specialty product. Is the focus CBD and wellness or recreational market? The US has not even seen a glimpse of where the market will go yet. There are 10 of millions of new users that will come to the market in the coming years. CBD is starting to hit mainstream, but and I speak for myself I have not bought any products yet because the price point is way to high. Once for example VFF can start mass growing hemp and bring the unit cost down then the products pricing will go down and more buyers will come to market to buy CBD products. Once legalization takes place recreational use sales will skyrocket in the US. This where the consolidation and focus on mass producing or specialty product will differentiate companies. VFF could become the main wholesale supplier for Hemp in the US. The smaller regional growers will become the leading specialty growers of quality branded weed. Finally, CURA Harvest Health and companies like that will be the super store retailers. That is how it will be and of course some major national retailers for branded products will be distributors.